You have a problem. To you, it’s important and you need to get it resolved. You may have tried to resolve it yourself but failed and (unknowingly) possibly made things worse. Many people or proprietors of small businesses try to sort out related disputes themselves or draft what they believe is a straight-forward contract without legal advice. In some cases that is fine, but where they find themselves unable to do so and they then bring in a lawyer, it may be too late to resolve the problem … [Read more...]
Business Development: 9 Questions You Should Never Stop Asking as a Business Owner
As a business owner, here are some questions that you need to ask over and over, as your the market evolves and your strategic plan changes. Very often, the answers to these business development questions will change in response to evolving conditions. It is important that you change as well when it is necessary. 1. What business are you in? What business are you really in? A typical business owner will answer this question by explaining the product or service that they sell. But this is not the … [Read more...]
Wheel of Life:4 Ways To Stop Missing Out on Life for Work

Do you feel forced to choose between work and a satisfying personal life? In my career of coaching entrepreneurs, I've discovered these strategies to bridge the gap. About a month ago, I was approached by a young Chicago woman who has devoted her life to helping others--sometimes at the expense of her own happiness. Finally she has realized that it's her turn to ask for support and to find greater happiness in life. But the challenge would be far greater than she'd anticipated. Last … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Stop Missing Out on Life for Work by Marla Tabaka
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10 Enemies of Personal Greatness

Beware! These ten inner enemies can quickly erode your grandest plans and your noblest intentions. They can drain your life of passion and potential, and fill your spirit with lifelong regret. Always taking the path of least resistance. – Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing. Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there. Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who work hard and struggle to pursue the goals … [Read more...]
Stephen Covey: Nothing Fails Like Success

Are you struggling to make changes or respond to changing conditions? I know many people right now are being forced to change the way they work or live because of our turbulent environment. What we might all consider in these times is what the great historian Arnold Toynbee once said: Nothing fails like success. What does that mean exactly? Well, if you consider the challenges you’re facing, you might just be using an old approach that isn’t equal to the challenge. In other words, when we … [Read more...]
Andy Harrington How to Prosper in the Economy Today Webinar – With Horizon Speakers
Book for Andy’s Upcoming event in Dublin: Power to Achieve: 29th, 30th June – 1st July – find out more here … [Read more...]
Top 10 Get Noticed! Tips – Jill Lublin
Be yourself. Build on your assets and your uniqueness because they are really what people want. Clients and customers want you, your special viewpoint or approach; your unique insights or touch, not a weak imitation of someone else. Don’t just be a copycat; find your own voice. Get noticed in your own way; in the manner most natural and comfortable to you. Examine the approaches that others have taken and then follow what feels natural for you. Trust yourself and your instincts. Work your … [Read more...]
Core Competence – Keith Cunningham
It is so easy to make money when times are good, the wind is at your back and the tide is rising. In fact, for most people, the more they make the smarter they seem to become, venturing into all kinds of investments and side businesses which have nothing to do with what made them successful in the first place. As one of my teachers told me years ago, “Success breeds complacency” and never has this degree of complacency been more evident than the perfect storm we are witnessing in our credit … [Read more...]
It is what it is – Dr. Ed Foreman
You’ve probably heard the saying “It is what it is”. Rather than being just a cliché, it is actually a viagra for women powerful tool for success. When you say “It is what cialis vs viagra it is”, when to take cialis and mean it, you are fully all in one discount pack online accepting the current situation. You don’t have to like it. You very well may want to change it. But, accepting the situation allows you to skip the anxiety over what is … [Read more...]