Michael Gerber

Michael Gerber is a shining example that the E-Myth Point of View works. He has “E-Myth’d” E-Myth. In other words, he created a successful business that does not rely on him. He created the business, but he is not the business. Michael started the company with a clear vision and once he achieved that vision, he turned the business over to others to run while he moved on to pursue his passion for all things entrepreneurial. True to the E-Myth Point of View, he has attracted and recruited a dynamic and passionate team of leaders who have taken the reins of E-Myth Worldwide and continue the innovation and evolution of the company and its programs in order to improve the business and the lives of people around the world.

In E-Myth Worldwide, Michael created a stunning business that is a reflection of his entrepreneurial intent – a true asset that allows him the freedom to write, speak and work on multiple ventures. He remains committed to personal growth and the realization that a business owner’s purpose in life can be actualized through his or her business. Now in his early 70s, Michael’s creativity, passion and energy for all things entrepreneurial have not subsided. In fact, he is bolder and less inclined to hold back…you can feel the heat in his latest venture, The Dreaming Room, where he challenges aspiring entrepreneurs to question everything they know.

Today, E-Myth represents the ideals of successful business ownership. What started as a vision has become a thriving business, a brand and a global community. No small feat for a business that could easily have become celebrity-dependent. Michael’s success should inspire countless practitioners who have created a business that relies on their personality and personal work to succeed. Yes, you too can create a world-class business that runs without you and E-Myth Worldwide can show you how. If you want to accomplish what Michael has with E-Myth Worldwide, we can work with you to help you work on realizing that goal.

Michael founded the company that would eventually become E-Myth Worldwide more than 30 years ago to address a significant need in the small business market: businesses owned primarily by people with technical skills but few business skills, and no place to go to get meaningful help. Over the years, E-Myth has helped tens of thousands of small business owner clients to successfully transform their businesses into world-class operations.

Along the way, Michael authored many highly-acclaimed books including the bestselling business classic,The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. Published in 1995, and now available in 19 languages, The E-Myth Revisited has become the indispensable handbook for millions of small business owners, franchisors, and entrepreneurs alike.


“It doesn’t get better than been personally coached by Michael Gerber. I followed his advice and we got 3 out of 3 proposals accepted! In one session he gave me key insights of my industry, my business and my vision. I finally got it, and everything makes sense like it never did before. Michael has incredible energy, compassion and an amazing sense of humour; he takes one look at your situation and knows how to help—Thank you Michael for changing struggle into a winning journey.” – Elena Rivera MacGregor, Owner, Rivera Design Group Ltd.