Nick Williams

Motivational Speaker, Nick Williams

About Nick Williams

Over the past fifteen years, Nick Williams has travelled the world sharing a life-affirming – and profoundly spiritual – vision of work and entrepreneurship. A sought after international speaker, best-selling author and broadcaster, Nick is on a mission to help people move beyond their fears, play-bigger in their lives, and transform their passions into profitable businesses.

Nick is a living example of everything he teaches. He left a deeply unfulfilling (yet outwardly successful) career in IT sales to build his own successful business – and having inspired tens of thousands of people to discover the work they were born to do – he’s one of the few personal development experts who truly walks-the-talk.

Being in the company of Nick Williams is a truly energizing and unforgettable experience. Nick’s gentle approach is a breath of fresh air, and a much needed antidote to the rah-rah” school of personal development. His ability to blend a life-affirming message with nuts-and-bolts practical tools has a far-reaching impact that lasts far beyond the immediate buzz of the event.

Nick is also the co-founder of The Inspired Entrepreneurs Club – the world’s only learning community and free social network for Inspired Entrepreneurs.


“Nick is a great guy doing wonderful work and is an inspired teacher with much to contribute.” Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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