Robin Sharma shares three habits of happiness. These three habits, if you do them every day, will make you a much happier person. 1) Number one, gratitude. What I do, I have right here, I’m just going to show you. I have my journal and almost everywhere I go I have my journal with me, and I write in my journal. A lot of what I write in my journal is daily gratitude. Here I am in South Africa. I’m at the Singita Game Reserve. I’m at a beautiful lodge. There’s a fireplace behind me … [Read more...]
Robin Sharma: Get to Peak Productivity Fast

SHOW US YOUR PRODUCTIVITY CHOPS What makes an elite performer isn't how you show up when Plan A's working. What reveals a true superstar is the way you deliver when your best laid plans are falling apart. These are messy times. Days of intense volatility. A period of immense uncertainty. And one of the dominant themes in work + life these days is distraction (a constant stream of activities begging for our attention that in the end amount to nothing). So the fight we face as Leaders Without … [Read more...]
Personal Development: Robin Sharma’s 35 Top Tips for a Great 2012

Robin Sharma, best-selling author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" shares some simple, yet powerful daily habits: What the best performers and most successful people do to continually outperform everyone around them: As we enter what I hope will be the single best year of your life yet, I've come up with 35 Tips that I invite you to concentrate on. Share these tips, reflect on then, post them where you can see them - and allow them to infuse your mindset: Remember that the quality of your … [Read more...]