Roughly 45-50% of people set New Year’s resolutions. This is phenomenal. Yet, what’s remarkable is that come February, March most New Year’s resolutions are gone by the wayside. In this article we explore some ideas to consider before you start which could help ensure your resolutions are kept and your goals are achieved. So, why do most New Year’s Resolutions end up by the wayside come February, March? Well, there is a lack of understanding of how goal setting works. The traditional … [Read more...]
New Year’s Resolutions & Goal Setting – Stop! Read This 1st Before You Start
Goal Setting & Resolutions in 3 Easy Steps! – A Life-Changing Goal Setting System That Can’t Fail
New Year’s Resolutions don’t work! 95% of people fail to achieve their New Year Resolutions. Why is this and what can we do about it to make sure we’re part of the elite 5% of people that actually do achieve their New Year Resolutions? This article explains why most New Year’s Resolutions fail and what you can do to defy the odds and make your goals a reality! New Year’s Resolutions don’t work! Why? Because these “resolutions” are typically goals, rules or regulations we … [Read more...]