Allan Pease – Communicating for Results!

September 20, 2011 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
D4 Berkeley Court Hotel
4 Ballsbridge Ave
Droichead Na Dothra, Dublin 4
Ian Lawlor
01 676 1952

Allan Pease – Communicating for Results!

Ever Wished Your Partner Came With an Instruction Manual?
Or Your Boss?

Allan Pease, author of Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps is in Dublin to give this witty and irreverent presentation which promises to motivate, entertain and inform.

Understanding how the brain functions has become a major key in promoting the change process in business, and in giving insights into how to communicate effectively.

Allan has spent seven years collecting research, interviewing experts and collating a comprehensive study of the profound communication differences between men and women to give us insights into why we each have a different reaction to the same thing. He is an expert on winning communication techniques for business and pleasure.

Allan has been known internationally as ‘Mr. Body Language’ since his definite book with that title became a multi-million seller and the communication bible for organisations worldwide. He is the author of many best-selling books including Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps and The Definitive Book of Body Language.

  • Allan & Barbara Pease are Australia’s most successful publishing team
  • Their inspirational products boost personal and organisational growth around the globe.
  • Amongst their successes are:
  • 15 Bestsellers
  • 9 No.1 Bestsellers
  • Translated into 51 languages
  • Sold in over 100 countries
  • Over 25 million copies sold
  • Seminars in 55 countries
  • 100 Million viewers on Body Language series
  • And #1 box office movie .
Rating 3.00 out of 5

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