Personal Development: Are We Falling Asleep At The Mouse?

History will look back at the beginning of the 21st Century and compare it with the Gold Rush of the 1840s. There have already been more new business opportunities & millionaires created online in the last 10 years than in any other industry. Whilst this may be the case, we were wondering how Irish Businesses are fairing. Well, here’s some headline stats to give you an indication:

  • 32% of Irish commercial SMEs still don’t have a website!
  • Only 23% of Irish Businesses Sell Electronically i.e. only 1 in 4 are selling online
  • 60% of Irish commercial SMEs don’t even have an entry in an online directory i.e. they cannot be found online!

Source: Central Statistics Office’s Enterprise Statistics, 2010

With a few obvious exceptions, Irish businesses are underperforming and underachieving online. We’ve noticed the increasing demand amongst our delegates for direction, knowledge and help getting themselves and their businesses online. Many people are confused by the array of online strategies and tools out there and don’t know the best approach to take with their own business. So, at the end of March we’ve decided to run a 1/2 Day Intensive on Untangling the Web and revealing some of the secrets to Online Business Success with a leading local authority to guide us.

Living an Extraordinary Life…  

When it comes to fulfilling human potential it’s fair to say that the Internet is THE most powerful tool we have at our fingertips. Every man, woman and child can benefit. It helps families who are challenged by physical distance to stay connected. It enables rapid access to information on any topic so that we can learn and grow. Indeed it even enables a single business person to compete on an equal footing with large multinational firms…once you know how to!

We know a number of people who live amazing lives thanks to their ability to utilise the Internet to build their businesses and give them the freedom and flexibility to run their personal and business lives in a manner that works for them and all concerned. These people can travel the world, work remotely, generate online revenues, maintain relationships, operate critical business systems etc. all thanks to the Internet.

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