Wealth Creation: Keith Cunningham’s Lessons on Financing

In terms of financing the wealth creation expert Keith Cunningham is well informed today. In his financing lesson Keith Cunningham could collect a lot of tips concerning the right way of financing:

  • Debt gives the illusion of wealth. True wealth is assets, cash flow and no debt.
  • Doing a marginal deal just because the money is available is stupid.
  • Take your personal guarantee seriously…. You only bring two things to the table…. Cash and your guarantee, neither of which has an unlimited supply.
  • Don’t rely on inflation to make a deal work.
  • Easy credit, lots of liquidity and too much money makes you stupid.
  • Never finance long-term assets with short-term debt.
  • We covered a lot of mistakes with access to easy money and credit.
  • A knack for innovative financing, a little bit of money and unbridled greed will produce truly crippling debt.

Finally the list should tell that debts should be avoided at any costs with the help of the different points mentioned by Keith Cunningham.

Next: Keith Cunningham’s Lesson on Personnel…Read More Here

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